The JULIA Interview Reloaded

Source: MyDearestDesire

Japanese AV star JULIA is the possessor of quite possibly the best body in the adult video industry talks about her origins as an actress and more.

Japanese AV star JULIA is extreme popular due to her gargantuan J-cup breasts attempting to find balance above a minuscule 55cm waist. She's a true AV veteran with 6 years of nonstop filming under her belt. Known for her mysterious beautiful looks, we get somewhat under the surface of who JULIA really is in this interview.

Interviewer: JULIA, how long have you been doing Japanese AV?
JULIA: I debuted in 2010 so it's been 6 years now.

I: What made you decide to become an AV star?
J: Before I entered the industry, I was working in a medical office. I was a receptionist. Truthfully speaking, it was a really boring job which left me unsatisfied. Luck was not on my side when I was working there. My home caught on fire, but I forgot to renew my fire insurance leaving me in debt to the tune of a million yen (approximately $10,000USD).

I: Wow, a million yen needed out of the blue is intense.
J: Yea, I had no idea what to do. I didn't have any savings back then. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me about how I could interview to appear in an AV movie so I decided to give that a shot. I really wasn't interested at first, but I decided to go and hear what they had to say...

I: Did you see any AV before going in for that interview?
J: Some was playing when I visited love hotels, but it was really dark and I didn't notice it much. The actresses looked like they were enjoying it, but I wasn't sure. Before I became an AV star, I never had pleasurable sex.

I: Because your partners were unskilled?
J: My first time was when I was 17 and I had a decent number of partners, but it was always about their pleasure. They'd do their thing and cum and then call it a day without thinking about making me feel good. I think all of my classmates back then were in the same boat with lackluster sex.

I: Ah, because you were all young then.
J: Yea, so I was looking forward to finally having pleasurable sex after becoming an AV star.

I: So how did you feel going into your first AV shoot?
J: I was super nervous and have barely any memory of it. I do recall it was a POV shoot with Ken Shimizu. What was supposed to be said before and during the shoot was still new to me so I was really surprised when the camera got rolling.

I: Since most of those POV shoots generally just involve you, the actor, and maybe a director, didn't you feel more at ease?
J: I'm not a good talker so suddenly being on my own with a guy I never met before was a recipe for extreme nervousness. However, Ken Shimizu could tell I was still real new to this so he gently guided me through the whole affair and it was over before I knew it.

I: That's to be expected by a veteran actor. Did you finally enjoy sex when you were with him?
J: Nope. As I said, I was really nervous during my first shoot. I recall trying to give noisy fellatio like they do in AV movies, but I failed even at that. Perhaps it's because I've a small mouth so there isn't much room to make noise. The shooting was all over faster than I thought, but it left me kind of shocked, but also pleased at how easy it came to me.

I: I'm sure seeing it done on video and actually doing it are totally different.
J: I've a friend who really loves watching AV and she gave me a lot of advice when I took the plunge on that first shoot. She told me how to provide a good and loud blowjob in spite of me having a small month. She also told me that since I was shy, I should look the actor's nose instead of his eyes.

I: You sure she also wasn't working in the AV business?
J: She's a real amateur, but she does watch a lot of AV in order to improve her sex skills. It was thanks to her that I learned what to do early on and learned it right. She's the real inspiration for JULIA 1.0. I doubt I'd have continued past that first shoot if it wasn't for her.

I: And to think you were a master at this. Was sex really not that enjoyable at first?
J: It really wasn't, but it was mainly because I was just too nervous. Even looking at the camera was too much.

Interviewer: Your AV persona comes off strongly as that of a perverted women, but is this really how you are in private?
JULIA: I'm way more normal in private. However, if my partner is masochistic, I may be kinda sadistic but not vice versa.

I: Oh, so you're not a masochist at all?
J: It's more like I rather not be talked down upon from above. I'm not good like that. I rather not tell someone how wet I may be when asked.

I: Do you engage in lewd woman play in private?
J: Oh yea. I love being the one who attacks. Regular men respond way differently than AV actors so I always have a great time seeing how they react.

I: How do they respond differently?
J: Well, one actor in particular—Manjirou Yamada—responds perfectly as a masochist. That's what I love to see in all the men I'm with.

I: So there's really a little bit of JULIA in the real you.
J: I wouldn't say that. I mean I do like teasing a bit in private, but…
The real JULIA? Probably not...

I: Is light foreplay good enough for you when you have sex in private?
J: A bit followed by some cowgirl, maybe? I don't know—I'm actually something of a dead fish when I have sex in private. Moving is something I'm not very fond of. Actually anytime I do cowgirl, it almost reminds me too much of being on the clock. When that happens, a switch turns on and I have to remind myself I'm doing this for fun now else I'll really turn into my stage persona.

I: It sounds like an occupational disease. However, there aren't too many AV actresses who can successfully pull of a lewd woman as well as you. It's a real talent.
J: You think? I'm not even sure what I say half the time. It all just seems to fly out of my mouth naturally.

I: Were you good at being a lewd woman from the start of your AV career?
J: Not at first, no. I had to ask my manager who filled me in on what was wanted of me. He taught me the ropes to get me started. I wouldn't know all that dirty speak if it wasn't for some early crash courses in being verbally naughty. Along with that, I studied the performances of other AV stars known for their lewd woman portrayals such as Sakura Kokomi, Yuria Satomi, and Yumi Kazama.

I: Becoming a real lewd women sounds like it entails a lot of studying, huh?
J: There's tons of lewd women titles out there and slowly by slowly they're changing. It's best to stay on top of them.

I: Do you have your own method?
J: I usually film it all in one go. This can sometimes make for even longer shoots where the clock keeps ticking well into the night.

I: You seem really devoted to your job!
J: You gotta be for the type of work I do. The 'big sister' genre is rather narrow and all the labels really push hard with great titles. If I slack, I'll slack in popularity.

I: What a difficult industry.
J: Well, I don't have the body to do rori shoots so this is what I do.

I: I'd love to see you try.

Interviewer: JULIA-san, as we continue this interview, I cannot help but notice how incredibly nice you are.
JULIA: I'm told that a lot. I know I appear otherwise in movies, but I try to come off as nice as possible during interviews like this one.

I: Well, you certainly have a mysterious beauty surrounding you. You made waves when you debuted. It's not everyday someone with your proportions decides to enter the Japanese AV industry. I don't actually recall any former AV stars with your body type.
J: I guess you can say I entered the industry at just the right time. There wasn't anyone else working at the time who had a face or body like mine.

I: I hear you didn't do much in terms of interviews nor events when you began your career. Is that right?
J: Well, I was still worried about being caught, but the production company I worked with also had a strategy in regards to that.

I: You didn't even start having events until 3 years ago.
J: My first event was for a photobook I did. I was so nervous I barely have any recollection of it.

I: You get nervous easily.
J: Yea, most experiences make me feel that way. I've no idea what to say in public.

I: But you've always had such a regal image.
J: Not at all! I feel really normal especially since I started using social network services recently and can communicate even more directly with fans. I'm really bad with computers and even catching the right train is tough, so I try my best.
A very confident and very, very naked JULIA.

I: You've been an AV star for 6 years. Where do you find the motivation?
J: I always wanted a job where other people can evaluate my performance. My previous job as a receptionist was the exact opposite of that. In fact, nothing about my private life compares to the scrutiny I receive when doing AV.

I: So you feel scrutinized as an AV star?
J: Yes, and I can gauge how well I do by the amount of offers I receive for filming and for events, too. I'm happy that to say I receive many.

I: I bet you're happy that you have so many fans.
J: The fact is I've never became a fan of anyone. With that said, I'm not really sure how my own fans think. However, I do know that many pay good money for my movies and often bring many of them to my events and that makes me very happy. I'm very grateful for that.

I: You only started holding events recently. Before that, how did you motivate yourself to continue working in AV?
J: I was receiving job offers. The more I worked, the more people would see me. I wanted to branch out and keep on appearing in different types of titles.

I: You've a very serious way of thinking about work. You really are a professional.
J: That I'm often told.

I: Were you like this at your previous job as a medical office receptionist?
J: No. My mind was blank when I was working there. However, thinking about nothing made the time go by really quickly.

I: What are your goals from here on out?
J: I don't want to become #1. That'd be way too much pressure. #5 is good though. If I'm ranked there, I can continue starring in Japanese AV for a very long time.

Source: MyDearestDesire

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Last update: 02/06/2024 09:54:11