Nozomi Arimura: Tied Up & Squirting

from dmm

Interviewer: 2018, after your debut, was quite the busy year for you. Out of all of your many movies filmed and appearances, what’s the most memorable for you?

Arimura: I love one of the BDSM movies I filmed called “Divine Orgasms.” I had a lot of fun filming that movie!

Inteviewer: You seem to be quite the masochist, Nozomi! Is that something you truly love to do?

Arimura: That’s right! (In a cute voice) I love it. I think that I love being restrained like that the most.

Inteviewer: It’s funny that you say that in a cute way.

Arimura: Being tied up or cuffed to something and fucked is amazing. I could die happy doing that forever.

Inteviewer: In that movie, you subjected to a lot of pleasure. The title itself speaks about your bladder and you were squirting a lot in this movie. How was it?

Arimura: Amazing! I had so much pleasure at one point that it felt like I couldn’t breathe!

Inteviewer: It was a very well received movie, gaining quite a few stars for you being in it and the overall quality of it.

Arimura: Thank you for saying that. When my debut came out I was very nervous about how people would take it. I obviously wanted people to like it and to say good things about and about my movie. Now, I feel a little more confident in my ability to shoot any given movie.


Inteviewer: With your debut, you told me before that you had some emotions coming into it? Could you elaborate on that?

Arimura: My debut was like a rollercoaster. My emotions ramped up on the day that I needed to film. By then I needed to show up, get naked, and have sex. I needed to do everything I was supposed to do. I’ve watched AV’s in the past but watching them and actually being in one are two very different things.

Luckily, everyone there on the day of the shoot were very kind. They helped me with my nerves and they assisted me as I went through each step.

Inteviewer: One thing that you’ll often hear is that thinking ahead to it will often mess you up. It’s because you’re beginning to plan how you want things to go and they might not end up that way.

Arimura: I can agree with that. I tried to go into it with a clear head and not make myself nervous – I was already nervous. I just wanted to go in and listen to what I had to do.

Inteviewer: You have really come into your own being since then though. You’ve gained the attention of a lot of people. So, did you masturbate the night before the filming of your debut?

Arimura: On my first night I didn’t. I was far too shaken! I came home and just wanted to relax and calm down. I was shaken nearly to tears. But on the second day of filming I came home and masturbated.

Source: R18
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Last update: 02/06/2024 09:56:49